If you don’t have a credit card, you will find yourself paying more than you should and dealing with a lot more hassle than you should have to. Credit cards are indeed a good tool to have. The BankAmericard credit card has an introductory no interest for the first 12 months on purchases and balance transfers. This card does not charge an annual fee, and it is a card that would be good for someone who is just getting started with credit.
Moreover, this makes it a great card for people who can’t carry a balance month to month. The card also has a balance transfer feature. This allows you to transfer balances from other cards and pay a low interest rate on them – assuming that you don’t mind paying other fees and you have a high credit score to apply for the card.
How to apply for BankAmericard Credit Card?
Applying for BankAmericard credit card is easy. Just go to their website, fill out an application form, and they’ll get back to you as soon as possible. Keep in mind that you need to fill out the form with your basic personal details such as your full name, age, birthday, social security number, address, email, and monthly or annual income.
Once a customer representative reached you out, remember to read all the terms and agreements, sign the contract, and wait for your BankAmericard credit card to be delivered right on your doorstep or you can pick it up on any Bank of America branch near you.
Rates and Fees of BankAmericard Credit Card
Annual Fee: BankAmericard Credit Card is the perfect card to those people who are looking for no annual fees as they don’t charge any of it to the cardholders – making it great for everyday purchases without having to worry about yearly fees.
Late Payment Penalty Fee: If a cardholder forgot to pay their dues on time, a late payment penalty fee of $28 is charged by the BankAmericard Credit Card for the first offense. But after 6 billing period, the fee can go up to $35.
Returned Payment Fee: If a cardholder has insufficient funds on their account that created failed reimbursement transactions, no returned payment fee is charged.
Foreign Transaction Fee: A foreign transaction fee of 3% of the total transaction is charged by the BankAmericard Credit Card.
Interest Rate: The APR is only 14.49% to 24.49% Variable. BankAmericard Credit Card charges a low to average interest rates which makes it new user-friendly and those people who wants to build good credit standing.
Minimum Credit Score needed: If you want to acquire a BankAmerica Credit Card, a minimum credit score of 670 or higher is needed. This is considered to be relatively high – which makes it unavailable for people with poor to fair credit scores.
Other fees: A balance transfer fee of 3% or $10 – whichever is higher, is charged to cardholders by the BankAmericard Credit Card.
Frequently Asked Questions about BankAmericard credit card
- Does BankAmericard Credit Card offer Zero Liability Fraud?
If you have a BankAmericard credit card, you don’t have to worry about fraud. It’s because their policy is Zero Liability. What does that mean? It means that any fraudulent purchases you make are covered by their liability policy. If you’re not sure, you can take a look at their terms and conditions. If you have any questions, you can always call BankAmericard customer service at 800-432-1000.
- Which is better; U.S. Bank Visa Platinum Card or BankAmericard credit card?
In this case, U.S. Bank Visa Platinum Card offers the same benefits as BankAmericard credit card. U.S. Bank Visa Platinum Card has a higher statement credit and provides rewards to cardholders like 3% cashback on any purchasing category of your choice – making it much better than BankAmericard credit card.
Final thoughts
Credit cards have become an integral part of our society. They have opened the door for people to more easily purchase things and have become a big part of our daily lives. They are not always used for purchases that are big, but they can also be used for things that are small and every day.
If you’re looking for a credit card that goes with every day, low interest rates and no annual fees, look no further than BankAmericard Credit Card. And since it is issued by the Bankof America, it’s accepted at millions of locations nationwide. When you’re looking for a credit card, it can be hard to find a card that meets your needs. But the BankAmericard Credit Card is the perfect card for you – just make sure that you have the right credit score requirements.