Discover it® Student Cash Back is a good first credit card option for college students; as it can help them to develop smart financial habits so that, in the future, they have credit cards with better benefits and do not run any risk of being financially harmed. Don’t forget we’re talking about a credit card that offers cash back on all purchases, plus the Discover benefit that automatically doubles all cash back received within the first year of using the card.
Those who do not qualify for this university card category should research other cards and consider purchasing a secure credit card. Insurance cards are great options because they allow you to establish a credit history based on the card’s credit limit, which is defined by a security deposit (which is refundable, in this case). Discover, by the way, has good options in this category; and the benefits are just as incredible as those offered to students.
Building Credit with Discover it Student Cash Back
To build your credit score, it is super interesting that your credit accounts are reported to the three main agencies in this industry: Experian, Equifax and TransUnion. The Discover it Student Cash Back card, for example, does this for you. That’s why we can say that it is a great card for those who want to build credit. As your details will be passed to each agency, it is very important to keep track of your monthly payments so that your credit score continues to improve each month.
A good credit score opens doors and opportunities for even better card and loan options in the future. The Discover it Student Cash Back card also gives you access to your FICO score (with TransUnion) to help you track your progress in building credit. Also, for those wondering, Discover has not disclosed any minimum credit score requirements to get this card approved.
However, as reported by Experian, college students can get this credit card if they have at least fair credit. That means a FICO score of 580 or higher. But calm down! You may be eligible for this card if you are new to credit, it is neither mandatory nor necessary to have a credit score to be approved. It just might be easier if you have one. As you already know, with this card, your credit activity will be automatically reported to the three main agencies in the segment.
Who is this credit card for?
When you are young and just at the beginning of your financial life, it is not very easy to have access to services of this type – such as credit cards and loans, for example. That is, it is not always a simple task to know if you are qualified to hire a new credit card. In this sense, student credit cards emerged to fill this gap and facilitate the process for young adults to have access to their first credit card. No need to worry, the process is much simpler and faster.
Therefore, to qualify for a student credit card, such as the Discover it Student Cash Back, for example, the interested college student must be at least 18 years of age, enrolled in a two-year college or four years, is a US citizen, and has a Social Security number. Not over yet! The young person also needs an independent verifiable financial income – it could be a part-time job. It is worth mentioning that you may need to prove this income.
Apply for the Discover it Student Cash Back
Okay, now that you know all the main details and features of this credit card, the most awaited moment has come: learning how to request a Discover it Student Cash Back just for you. Want to know how? Rest assured, the process is super-fast, simple and practical. Oh! It is also 100% online. The first step is to access the official website of the card issuing institution; in this case, Discover. After that, just look for the desired card, Discover it Student Cash Back.
When you find the desired card, click on the “Apply now” button and enter some information: name, date of birth and home address. Some school data such as college year, housing or rent payment, total gross income and email address are also asked. In addition to some more information, but it’s all very simple, nothing too complex. The next step is to choose your card design, there are almost 20 options available. Finally, just fill in the other requested information and send your proposal. Prepared? Now just wait for the approval of your order and carefully enjoy the benefits of your card! Good shopping!